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You Deserve to
Live Your Purpose.

Learn to afford it.


Introducing Purpostry™'s Mastery Not Required Program

Most people can’t afford to live purposeful lives because they struggle to master additional income streams.  Purpostry's Mastery Not Required Program helps people create portfolios of income by letting their Purpose lead – not mastery.  This is Purpostry.  And you can afford to live your Purpose in 3 simple steps.


Purpostry™ Primer Program

The Purpostry™ Primer Program is where all our students start.  You will see why striving for mastery has been preventing you from successfully creating passive income.  You'll learn Purpose Led Proficiency (what we call Purpostry™), and see that that's the key to unleashing the potential that is already in you to live your dreams.  Once you complete the Purpostry Primer Program, you'll have complete confidence that you can indeed use your Purpose to create multiple streams of income, Mastery Not Required.

Mastery Not Required Foundation

Purpostry™ Foundation Program

Build a firm foundation to create passive streams of income on by taking this 3 Course Bundle. You will discover and align your 4 Levels of Purpose, learn to prioritize your Purpose so that everything you do helps you achieve your Life's Purpose effortlessly, driving by your strengths and values that make up your Deep Purpose.  Then create a purpose led money mindset - where you'll learn the dark secret that has kept most people unable to afford to live their Purpose, and how you can easily overcome it, so that you can create multiple streams of income and sustainable wealth, Mastery Not Required.

The Growth Income program is where we'll build 5 new streams of income, together.

You will learn to make Good Decisions using the Purpostry Decision Toolkit.  Good Decisions are decisions that will help you get certain consistent results and income, without you needing to be right all the time.

Using that, we'll build 5 new streams of income together.  The first of those streams of income will take you less than a day to set up, less than an hour a month to run, and will give you better returns than the average small business in the US!

These 5 income engines are relatively uncorrelated, meaning that your income will be consistent, and will grow over time.

If you would like us to help you with the heavy lifting of 2 of the income engines...




Usual Retail $67

  • Learn the Purpostry Principles to attain proficiency in anything FAST
  • Learn why Mastery hasn't been serving you, and why you should seek Purpostry instead
  • Access to direct support from Tim Low through Program Forum
  • 30-day no-questions-asked money back guarantee
I'm ready to start



Usual Retail $197


  • Includes QUAD PURPOSE PROGRAM (Regular Retail $697) where you will discover 4 Level Purpose and align them tho achieve your Life's Purpose Effortlessly

  • Includes PRIORITIZE YOUR PURPOSE PROGRAM (Regular Retail $297) where you will learn to prioritize your purpose to multiply your income & free time - at the same time

  • Includes PURPOSE LED MONEY-MINDSET PROGRAM (Regular Retail ($497) where you will discover how your beliefs have prevented you from being able to afford to live your Purpose, and how to reset that to make money consistently

  • Total Value of individual programs $1491
  • Access to direct support from Tim Low through Program Forum

  • 30-day no-questions-asked money back guarantee

I'm ready to start

Growth Income

$199 x12

Usual Retail $299 x12

  • 12 month Learn As You Earn Program
  • Includes over $7,000 worth of Purpostry™ Programs
  • Includes Primer & Foundation Program (worth $197)
  • Learn to create 5 new uncorrelated income streams to achieve consistent income
  • Learn the Purpostry Decision Toolkit (Former Flagship Course, Usual Retail $2,997) where you will learn how to make great, purpose aligned decisions, that the largest companies in the world use to price their products and consistently make money, even if they're wrong - and how you can do the same to consistently make money
  • Learn & Implement Income Engine One - Simplified Simple Predictable Formula (Usual Retail $497 including 1 year of weekly updates by Purpostry Team)
  • Learn & Implement Income Engine Two - SGLOBAL Time Based Income Strategy (Usual Retail $1297, includes 1 year of weekly updates by Purpostry Team)
  • Learn Income Engine Three - How to Build a Purpose Led Business so that you can live your Purpose through your business (Usual Retail $497)
  • Learn Income Engine Four - 3B Strategy (Usual Retail $497)
  • Learn & Implement Income Engine Five - DFV30 (Usual Retail $1297 includes 1 year of weekly updates by Purpostry Team)
  • Learn Portfolio Income Correlation Strategy (Usual Retail $797) 
  • Outsource the work of 3 income streams (1,2 & 5) to our team, and receive weekly computations for the 3 most popular income engines
  • Access to direct support from Tim Low through Program Forum
  • 30-day no-questions-asked money back guarantee




$199 x 12 Payments
(Save $1200)